Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who has experienced loss during the flooding this past weekend. The extent of the disaster has affected many, including some of our customers.

We remain committed to helping those affected through this difficult time. As a mortgagor of TTMB your property is covered under our Comprehensive Homeowners Insurance Policy. In order to file your claim, please download and complete your claim form here. Alternatively, you may collect a Claim Form at any of our branch offices in Arima, Chaguanas, San Fernando, or from M & M Insurance Broking Services Limited (M&M) at #39, Boissiere Village, Maraval.

In order to file a claim, the following documents are to be submitted along with the completed claim form:

  1. Two (2) Forms of Identification
  2. Recent Utility Bill (No older than three (3) months)
  3. Photographs (if possible)
  4. Estimate of repairs/ replacement for damages sustained

If you were affected by the recent flooding, you may fill out the claim form only and submit directly to M&M or emailed to the following email addresses:

Earle Noel                   299 – 6635      [email protected]

Gillian Bailey              384 – 9707      [email protected]

Janice Roberts             384 – 8023      [email protected]

Marlon Beddoe           299 – 6637      [email protected]

Ann Marie Moonilal   299 – 6018      [email protected]

The San Fernando Branch can also be contacted at 657-2256/2343.

The aim is to deal with these matters as smoothly as possible since we know that persons will require clarification on damage caused to their properties.

M&M has set up an emergency desk and can be contacted at 299-6629 or 299-6635.

Additionally, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, through the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services, Disaster Relief Assistance is providing support to persons whose items have been destroyed beyond use. Affected customers should contact the first responders at the Regional Corporation, via their Disaster Management Unit within your respective area. You can call their toll free number: 800-1673. Details of the grants being offered is also attached for your ease of reference.

Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance to you, our officers are ready and willing to help.

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