Brent McFee

Chief Executive Officer (Ag.)

Chief Executive Officer (Ag.)

Brent McFee

Mr. Brent Mc Fee is a Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Banker by profession and has over thirty-five (35) years’ experience within the financial services sector.

Brent is a holder of an Executive MBA with distinction from the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business and holds an MBA from the Chartered Bankers’ Institute, where he is also a member.

He completed the International Housing Finance Programme – Certification in Securitisation and Certification in assessing Commercial Real Estate Investments and Markets at the Wharton’s School of Business.

Brent joined Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank Ltd ( formerly TTMF) in 2007 and currently holds the position of Chief Executive Officer (Ag.). Brent serves as a Director of the Security Dealers Association of Trinidad and Tobago and served on the Boards of a Credit Union and of a State-Owned Enterprise.

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