ARIMA: Arima Boys' Government Primary School, Mr. Kurt Fleming - Principal

When it comes to education, children and parents have faced unprecedented challenges during the pandemic. Our government responded and remained committed to the continued education our nation’s children by implementing an online learning system using mainstream digital platforms.

The Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Bank (TTMB) is grateful to support the Ministry of Education’s new system of online learning which is successfully used by both primary and secondary schools across the country.

Among the adjustments required as our children moved towards virtual learning included access to digital devices. Given this circumstance, TTMB equipped one hundred (100) children from primary schools within the burgesses of our five (5) branch locations, with an Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet. These tablets will be the device that ensures students can effectively attend their online classes and continue their education at this critical stage of their development in preparation for their future. Furthermore, as technology continues to invade the field of education at an increasing pace, these students will now have greater incentive to cultivate scientific skills to enhance their overall academic growth.

The Amazon Fire devices were provided to: Arima Boys’ and Arima Girls’ Government Primary Schools; Raghunanan Road Government Primary; Point Cumana R.C. Primary School; Reform Hindu Primary School and Lambeau A.C. Primary School.

Formed in 1965, TTMB was created to provide accessible mortgage financing to citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. For over five decades, the company has assisted families across the nation to realise their dreams in various ways but primarily in home ownership. TTMB prides itself as being more than just a mortgage company but an institution that has and will continue to be socially responsible. To all our nation’s students, we will continue to support you through your virtual learning experience.

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